Sunday, February 27, 2011

Less than a week to go: Pre-Germany Anxiety (Mandy Tompkins)

In 95 hours, I will be on the plane to Germany (not that I’m counting down or anything). The farthest I have ever been was to San Antonio and New Orleans for the National Youth Gatherings, so it was only right that my first time out of the country be with 50 of my closest Lutheran friends.   I’m so excited to be able to explore a different country, and what better area to start with than Luther Land!
I have known about this trip for a year and a half, and it seems surreal that the time has actually come to leave.  We’ve been talking about it for what feels like forever, but while shopping for last minute items today it really sunk in that it’s so soon!
Preparing for this trip has been lots of fun as well.  We’ve watched Luther, a movie about Dietrich Bonheoffer, had book discussions, viewed period artwork at the Ackland; and we even had a renowned Luther scholar come and give an awesome presentation on Luther and the areas in Germany we will be visiting.  For a history nerd like me, I loved learning all the background about the sights we will be seeing.
I am excited about everything we are going to be doing while we are over there.  I have read the itinerary numerous times and researched all the cities to see what museums/historical sites there are (again-history nerd). :)  I really enjoy learning about the Holocaust, so going to Buchenwald Concentration Camp will be a somber but good experience.  I even learned that Elie Wiesel was transported here after Auschwitz.  I got to hear him speak last semester, so it will be really interesting to see where he endured such torture.  All of the Luther places we are visiting sound great.  I’ve learned about Luther for years, but I love seeing where people actually lived and where events took place, so seeing the door where he posted the 95 Theses will be exciting. 
Did I mention we get to stay in a castle one night? With a real moat around it and everything?   Some of us girls are already planning to pack our tiaras and be princesses for a night.  All of the other places we are staying look nice too.
So now all that separates me from Germany is nine classes, two midterms, and a pretty long flight (Hannah, Zach, and I have our crossword books so we should be set).  I can’t wait to get to know my friends better, grow closer to God, and learn more about Martin Luther and the amazing religion he started!

Mandy Tompkins

1 comment:

  1. Mandy,

    Have an incredible time! Can't wait to hear/see about it through your eyes!

    Traveling mercies~
